Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources
Looking for advice or opinions from your colleagues? Need some assistance with creating documents, but don't want to re-invent the wheel? Here's where you get help. Our MemberConnect service is a List Serve that automatically forwards email from you to members who have subscribed to the service. Replies are also distributed to subscribers; its a great way to share ideas and learn how other professionals deal with challenging situations.
To send a message to other subscribers, email and the system will automaticallly distribute your message.
If you have subscribed and are not receiving messages, your spam filters may be trapping the messages. Speak with your IT department and have them "white list" email coming from
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your email address to info@ism-chicago with Comment Box marked "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe".
Member Central
As an ISM Member, you get the best of both worlds with the local networking and support of your chapter as well as the connection to additional tools, resources and education through your ISM global membership. From weekly delivery of tools and information on Member Mondays to monthly webinars as well as exclusive access to research and member-only education and event costs savings.
Chapter Resources
We bring a wealth on information, knowledge, and networking. Best way to start is to reach out to one of the committee chairs, or the Board to start a conversation. If in doubt, please forward your inquiry to info@ism-chicago, and we will have a member follow up.